Happy New Years!

Maybe it’s just me getting older but I’m more and more cynical about things.  New Years really gets on my nerves because it’s the great time of hope and optimism for about 1-2 weeks and then back to old rut and grind.  Well not this year!

Since New Years Day is on a Thursday I’m going to spend it doing what ever the hell I want to do and make no promises.  Then after that I promise to do something once a week that is out of the ordinary and note worthy.  Something I’ve always wanted to do, something I should do or what ever comes to mind.

If this works out like I plan then I should have a list of 53 (53 Thursdays in the year) that I’ve accomplished.  And then when I get to New Years Eve 2015/2016 I will celebrate the awesomeness that I’ve accomplished.

Now for all of my friends, I challenge you to do the same.  And who ever has the best list of 2015  I will award a fine bottled beverage of their desire.  Champagne?  Root Beer?  Bordeaux?  Miller Lite?  LOL.

Are you up to the challenge???  Stop being a loser with empty promises each year.  Be different, be winner with awesome achievements!!!!  🙂