Fun in Black & White land – day 5 of Apple Stories

So with my little black and white Mac Classic, I started exploring the Macintosh.  I started out with System 6.0.8 and 1MB of memory.  I quickly found myself buying the memory expansion board and moving it up to 4MB.  At this point I still wasn’t taking it online though.  I was able to fetch some things down at work and then floppy shuffle them over to it.

This is the point where I found some of the games made by John Calhoun.  Both Glider and Pararena were two of my favorites.  They were perfect for this machine and I spent hours playing through them.  At some point here I also found myself upgrading into System 7.x as well.  The one thing I really remembered is that I learned to use a Mac at this time and cut my teeth on this little machine.

gliderOld 230px-Pararena